Volunteer Application

As a Ronald McDonald House Charities Saskatchewan (RMHC-SK) Volunteer your time is greatly appreciated and valued by the staff as well as every family who walks through the door. Volunteer applicants must be 19 years of age or older to hold a regular volunteer shift. Please note, RMHC-SK has in place a Mandatory Vaccination Policy that requires all volunteers to be fully vaccinated for Covid-19.

Contact Information

This information will be used for the purpose of gathering diversity statistics to enable RMHC-SK to better serve all families who access our programs, as we strive to provide families with the best support possible. All information captured will be kept strictly confidential at RMHC – SK, in alignment with our Confidentiality Agreement as signed and supported by all RMHC – SK staff and volunteers.

Primary Address

Secondary Address

Emergency Contact

Health Information

Volunteer Information

Early Afternoon
Late Afternoon

Volunteer Experience #1

Volunteer Experience #2

Certification Statements